*Sharper Hooks*
*Tighter Lines*
Queen Charlotte City




Details for Queen Charlotte City

Species in Queen Charlotte City:

Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, Bull Head, Dog Fish, Dungenes Crab, English Sole, Flounder, Greenling, Ling Cod, Pacific Herring, Perch, Red Rock Crab, Rockfish, Sculpin, Shiner, Surf Smelt

Other Names
Proxy City Haida Gwaii
Size (ha)
Perimeter (km)
Max Depth (m)
Road Access Unknown
Hike (km) 0
Activities Unknown
Stocked Fish
F/W Region R-6
Water Type Saltwater
Altitude (m)
Mean Depth (m)
Water Access Boat
Boat Launch Unknown
Facilities Unknown
Angler Usage Unknown
Special Notes: Chinook salmon start appearing in Hecate Strait in late February and will begin entering some of the inlets. By mid-April, these feeder springs start showing up in numbers around Langara Island. By early May they are starting to be caught in Tasu Sound on the west coast of Haida Gwaii. From late May until mid-September, Chinook fishing is excellent, with peak periods occurring in mid-June and mid-August. 60+ lbs. are still possible in Haida Gwaii.
Coho salmon will usually start appearing by early June. As they feed and start moving towards their home streams, their size (often reaching 20+ lbs.) and numbers will increase. Peak times for fishing Coho is from late July through September.
Bottom fish such as Yellow eye Rockfish (Red Snapper), Lingcod, and Halibut are plentiful. Halibut in the 100 lb. range are not at all uncommon!
Map of Queen Charlotte City


Directions to Queen Charlotte City:

Additional Info

Notes: 1. Always check the current BC Fishing regulations before you start fishing a new spot.