*Sharper Hooks*
*Tighter Lines*
Shawnigan Lake




Spot Details

Details for Shawnigan Lake

Species in Shawnigan Lake:

Rainbow Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Brook Trout, Dolly Vardin, Yellow Perch, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Prickly Sculpin, Lake Whitefish, Pumpkinseed, Threespine Stickleback, Catfish (General)

Other Names
Proxy City Duncan
Size (ha) 541
Perimeter (km) 25.2
Max Depth (m) 52
Road Access Paved
Hike (km) 0
Activities Camping, Swimming
Stocked Fish Rainbow Trout
GPS N48 37 35, W123 38 20
F/W Region R-1
Water Type Large Lake
Altitude (m) 118
Mean Depth (m) 12
Water Access Boat
Boat Launch Yes
Facilities Unknown
Angler Usage Unknown
Special Notes: Speed restriction on parts (8 & 60 km/hr).
Map of Shawnigan Lake


Directions to Shawnigan Lake:

Photos of Shawnigan Lake:







Additional Info

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