*Sharper Hooks*
*Tighter Lines*
Stave Lake




Spot Details

Details for Stave Lake

Species in Stave Lake:

Anadromous Bull Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Dolly Varden, Kokanee, Lake Trout, Largescale Sucker, Longnose Sucker, Northern Pikeminnow, Peamouth Chub, Rainbow Trout, Redside Shiner, Catfish, Brown Bullhead, Crayfish

Other Names -
Proxy City Mission
Size (ha) 5,858
Perimeter (km) -
Max Depth (m) 101
Road Access Gravel
Hike (km) 0
Activities Picnicking, Swimming
Stocked Fish yes
GPS 49*22'9"N, 122*17'49"W
F/W Region R-2
Water Type Large Lake
Altitude (m) 214
Mean Depth (m) 35
Water Access Boat
Boat Launch Double paved
Facilities Primitive
Angler Usage Low
Special Notes: Year round fishing is possible in this large lake where the Cutthroat can get to 3-4 lbs. A boat is definitely needed to be able to fish these waters. Good fishing can be had where the waters flow through from Alouette Lake. Caution when boating is advised because of the strong winds that can arise and the possiblity of deadheads in the water. There are no facilities at all along the lakeshore, so be prepared and if possible go with someone who knows the lake if you are thinking of heading very far north. Watch for deadheads and follow markers in the channel. Winds blow up quickly.
Map of Stave Lake


Directions to Stave Lake:

Photos of Stave Lake:







Additional Info

Notes: 1. Always check the current BC Fishing regulations before you start fishing a new spot.
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