*Sharper Hooks*
*Tighter Lines*
Cultus Lake




Spot Details

Details for Cultus Lake

Species in Cultus Lake:

Species in Cultus Lake: Aleutian Sculpin, Chinook Salmon, Chub (General), Chum Salmon, Coho Salmon, Cultus Lake Sculpin, Cutthroat Trout, Dolly Varden, Kokanee, Lake Whitefish, Largescale Sucker, Longnose Dace, Mountain Whitefish, Northern Pikeminnow (formerly N. Squawfish), Peamouth

Other Names -
Proxy City Chilliwack
Size (ha) 627.4
Perimeter (km) 13.5
Max Depth (m) 42
Road Access Paved
Hike (km) 0
Activities Camping, Swimming, Picnicking, Hiking
Stocked Fish Steelhead, Whitefish, Dolly Vard
GPS 49*03'24"N, 121*58'23"W
F/W Region R-2
Water Type Small Lake
Altitude (m) 41
Mean Depth (m) 32
Water Access Boat, Shore
Boat Launch Yes
Facilities Developed
Angler Usage High
Special Notes: Due to the increased use of Cultus Lake for other recreational activities, fishing pressure has declined in recent years. Trout may reach over 3 lbs. with trolling and fly fishing being the most successful methods used. Cultus Lake has an excellent spawning area and stocking was last conducted in 1987. No vessels on parts, speed restriction (5km/hr) at north end as buoyed and signed.
Map of Cultus Lake


Directions to Cultus Lake:

Photos of Cultus Lake:







Additional Info

Notes: 1. Always check the current BC Fishing regulations before you start fishing a new spot.
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