*Sharper Hooks*
*Tighter Lines*
Chilliwack Lake




Spot Details

Details for Chilliwack Lake

Species in Chilliwack Lake:

Black Crappie, Bull Trout, Chinook Salmon, Chum Salmon, Coho Salmon, Cutthroat Trout, Dolly Varden, Kokanee, Largescale Sucker, Longnose Sucker, Mountain Whitefish, Northern Pikeminnow (formerly N. Squawfish), Peamouth Chub, Pink Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Redside Shiner

Other Names -
Proxy City Chilliwack
Size (ha) 1198
Perimeter (km) 20.9
Max Depth (m) 114
Road Access Paved
Hike (km) 0
Activities Camping, Picnicking, Swimming, Hiking
Stocked Fish Dolly Varden, Kokanee, Whitefish
GPS 49*05'14"N, 122*27'00"W
F/W Region R-2
Water Type Large Lake
Altitude (m) 626
Mean Depth (m) 67
Water Access Boat, Shore
Boat Launch Yes
Facilities Developed
Angler Usage Moderate
Special Notes: Chilliwack is a large, deep lake which contains a variety of fish species. Rainbows average 1+ lbs. while Dolly Varden and Cutthroat can reach into the 4-5 lb. range. Trolling lures, plugs and spinning gear is the best method for fishing the lake. Chilliwack Lake is a great recreational area providing a relaxing escape from hectic city life with its fine camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, x-country skiing and boating fun.
Map of Chilliwack Lake


Directions to Chilliwack Lake:

Photos of Chilliwack Lake:







Additional Info

Notes: 1. Always check the current BC Fishing regulations before you start fishing a new spot.
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