*Sharper Hooks*
*Tighter Lines*
Buntzen Lake




Spot Details

Details for Buntzen Lake

Species in Buntzen Lake:

Coastal Cutthroat Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Cutthroat Trout (Anadromous), Kokanee, Largescale Sucker, Northern Pikeminnow (formerly N. Squawfish), Peamouth Chub, Prickly Sculpin, Rainbow Trout, Redside Shiner, Sucker (General), Threespine Stickleback

Other Names McCombe Lake
Proxy City Vancouver
Size (ha) 151
Perimeter (km) 11.2
Max Depth (m) 65
Road Access Paved
Hike (km) 0
Activities Picnicking, Hiking, Swimming
Stocked Fish Rainbow, Cutthroat
GPS 49*20'26"N, 122*51'25"W
F/W Region R-2
Water Type Small Lake
Altitude (m) 124
Mean Depth (m) 30
Water Access Shore, Boat
Boat Launch Yes
Facilities Developed
Angler Usage Low
Special Notes: Cutthroat usually reach to 2 lbs (some 4 lb. Cutthroat have also been taken) while Rainbow are found from 1/2-1 lb. Because the Buntzen Lake drops off very steeply - going to 70 m. (230 ft.) within 200 m. (656 ft.) of shore - there is very little shoal area, but there are still many excellent fishing areas. Electric motors only.
Map of Buntzen Lake


Directions to Buntzen Lake:

Photos of Buntzen Lake:







Additional Info

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