*Sharper Hooks*
*Tighter Lines*
Ambleside Pier




Spot Details

Details for Ambleside Pier

Species in Ambleside Pier:

Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, Bull Head, Dog Fish, Dungenes Crab, English Sole, Flounder, Greenling, Ling Cod, Pacific Herring, Perch, Red Rock Crab, Rockfish, Sculpin, Shiner, Surf Smelt

Other Names Ambleside Park
Proxy City Vancouver
Size (ha)
Perimeter (km)
Max Depth (m)
Road Access Paved
Hike (km) 0.2
Activities Swimming, Picnicking
Stocked Fish
F/W Region R-2
Water Type Saltwater
Altitude (m)
Mean Depth (m)
Water Access Shore
Boat Launch Vanier, Cates
Facilities Developed
Angler Usage Busy
Special Notes: Popular for Crabbing, Shiners and Pile Perch
Map of Ambleside Pier


Directions to Ambleside Pier:

Photos of Ambleside Pier:







Additional Info

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